When you were a child, losing a tooth was cause to celebrate. Not only did it mean you were growing up, but it also meant a trip from the Tooth Fairy. As an adult, however, losing a tooth is far… Read More
Dream On! Sedation Dentistry in Catonsville, Maryland
If you’ve avoided the dentist out of fear or if you’ve had a traumatic experience, sedation dentistry may be able to help. Imagine not being afraid to go to the dentist. Imagine being able to complete your dental care in… Read More
How to Prevent Gum Disease from your Catonsville Dentist
Gum disease, otherwise known as Periodontal disease, is an infection of the teeth, gums and bone that surround the teeth. The main culprit of gum disease is plaque; a sticky collection of bacteria that causes the gums to be red… Read More
Pediatric Dentistry Catonsville: A Child’s First Visit to the Dentist
Raising a baby is tough work. You have so much to think about, from feedings to bathing to…well, everything! As a parent, you are faced with many tough decisions. Dental care doesn’t have to be one of them. A Child’s… Read More
Oral Health Debate: Dental Floss vs. Waterpik
As we have outlined time and time again, the recommended daily oral health routine includes brushing your teeth for at least two minutes, taking 30 seconds for each of the four quadrants of the mouth; brushing the tongue and your… Read More
The Ins and Outs of Receding Gums explained by your Catonsville Dentist
When the gum tissue surrounding your teeth begins to wear away or pull away from the teeth, exposing more of the tooth or even the root, this is known as receding gums. As a result, pockets or gaps form between… Read More
Donating $1 to the Catonsville Celebrations Committee for Facebook Likes
Leikin & Baylin Dental Care will donate $1 to the Catonsville Celebrations Committee for every new “Like” our Facebook page receives from now until May 15th. So what are you waiting for? Head to our Facebook page and click that… Read More
Dry Mouth Treatment from your Catonsville Dentist
What is Dry Mouth? Dry mouth is exactly what it sounds like. When your body fails to produce the necessary amount of saliva, the mouth becomes dry and uncomfortable. Why is this a big deal? The mouth needs saliva to… Read More
Dealing with Sensitive Teeth with the help of your Catonsville Dentist
Did you know that one in eight adults has sensitive teeth? According to a new survey published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, one in eight people has over-sensitive teeth. Dentists in the 37 United States dental offices… Read More
Tips for Preventing Gingivitis from your Catonsville Dentist
Gingivitis is the precursor to periodontitis, better known as gum disease. In the earliest stages of gingivitis, bacteria in plaque buildup, which causes the gums to become inflamed. Luckily, at this stage, the teeth are still held firmly in place… Read More