How to Brush Your Baby’s Teeth

How to Brush Your Baby's Teeth
Good dental hygiene and teeth brushing is one of the best gifts you can give your kids.

Good dental hygiene is one of the best gifts you can give your kids, though they may not truly appreciate it till their older. Establishing good routines early can save them from a lifetime of pain and anxiety. But it is not always as easy as we hope. From the time that first tooth erupts to the point where your little ray of sunshine has a full bitey mouth can feel like it flashes by. Suddenly, they’ve got several teeth in there that need care and they fight every single step of the way. The good news is that there are some tips that make it a little easier to deal with.

Start Early

The most common advice for establishing good oral health in kids is to start early. In most cases, you can start before the teeth even appear by gently brushing the gums, but everyone should at least be brushing daily once that first tooth appears. This act of simply going through the motions twice a day everyday sets you up for less fighting once the rest of the teeth come in. If your baby is already used to the brash and feeling you move it around in his or her mouth, the fight will be less. 

Make It A Habit

Making baby get used to having teeth brushed is the best way to make it a habit, but that all comes down to you as the parent. You have to remember to do it and you have to be consistent. This can be hard, especially if it feels like it isn’t really doing anything. (There is only one tooth in there and it is a baby tooth, so why does it matter, right?) The act of establishing a habit is more important than the actual brushing of that single tooth.

Don’t Use Too Much Toothpaste

Once the teeth are really coming in, make sure that you are brushing correctly. This can be hard, especially if you don’t feel like you have a good grasp of the basics of teeth brushing either. You should use toothpaste once there are teeth to brush, but when you start out it should be about the size of a grain of rice. That is an exceptionally tiny amount, but it really is all you need at first. Make sure that you are brushing all sides of each tooth. Since molars are more prone to decay, concentrate there and use the full two minutes (even if you’re short on time) to reinforce the routine.

Teach Flossing

Finally, once there are adjacent teeth, teach your kids how to floss. It is okay to start with (and stick with) flossing sticks to make it easier, 

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