How Can You Best Prevent Cavities?

dental care

The importance of preventing cavities should be stressed from an early age

For as far back as y0u can remember – starting well before your first regular dental checkups – the word “cavity” has been used as an all-purpose dirty word for what you most want to avoid in your teeth. Even now, as an adult, the word carries horrible connotations, and you surely warn your own children about the dreaded “c-word.”

At Leiken and Baylin Dental Care, we believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and want your next visit with us to be perfect. So, how do you best protect your teeth from getting cavities? Knowing the causes and symptoms of cavities is key, as well as having concrete steps to prevent them.

The Causes of Cavities

You’ve known for a very long time that sugar is a major cause of cavities, but it’s actually just one of many major causes. The main cause of these holes is actually plaque. Plaque can hide bacteria that attack the teeth but when you clean your teeth, the plaque is removed. If you are not consistent in your dental routine, plaque and bacterium can build up over time causing tooth decay.

In addition to sugary foods and drinks, another red flag is foods and drinks that are high in acids, which can also harm your teeth and leave them vulnerable. Acid breaks down the tooth enamel, softening it to make it more susceptible to decay.

Another cause of decay can be dry mouth called xerostomia. It can be cause by genetics or by medicines. Saliva is a natural plaque inhibitor, but when your mouth is dry, your teeth are in danger from the plaque that would normally be washed away.

The Symptoms of Cavities

Not all cavities will show symptoms, but there are some things every person should be aware of when it comes to these problems. If you have a dull ache in your mouth, intense pain from food or drinks that are hot or cold, or sensitivity of any kind, it could be a sign of a cavity. If you feel holes in your tooth or see them when looking, you should see your dentist as soon as possible.

Prevention of Cavities

If you are concerned about your dental routine, talk with your Leikin & Baylin Dental Care dentist during your next appointment. One of the important things to remember is that sugars are hidden in almost everything. Checking food ingredients might be an important step to recognizing the dangers hidden in your food. Opt for food with less sugar or brush after eating these foods. While it is almost impossible to prevent all of these causes, you can help preventing cavities by being aware of the dangers and completing a good oral hygiene routine two to three times a day.

Leikin & Baylin Dental Care of Catonsville

If you have questions about the health of your child’s teeth, or your little one is experiencing one of these childhood dental problems, let our friendly and professional staff help restore your dental health. Call today at 410-747-1115, or submit any questions by visiting

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