Arbutus residents, there are many things that you can do to avoid needing dentures later
Are you an Arbutus, MD resident looking for a new dental home? Then, that’s great because we’re one of the best dentist’s offices in existence. We not only serve Arbutus residents but many Maryland residents spanning several counties. Dental health is a routine part of every day and a big part of your full body health picture. Appropriate dental hygiene helps maintain proper body chemistry and, of course, helps keep your chompers in good condition so that you can eat properly and nourish your body. But good dental hygiene also sets the stage for long term mouth health, including helping Arbutus residents avoid needing dentures later in life. Here are the three most important things you can do today and daily to keep your mouth healthy and denture-free in your later years.
Brush Twice Daily
Without a doubt, brushing your teeth twice a day is the easiest way to prevent periodontal disease, a prime cause of tooth loss, but nearly ¼ of Americans don’t do it. It should be a routine part of every morning and evening. But for many of us, it is simply not a habit that sticks. If dentures aren’t in your longterm plans, make sure that brushing twice a day becomes part of your schedule and sticks.
Remember To Floss
Many people overlook that flossing should be a part of your daily tooth brushing routine. That’s right, daily, not just when it feels like you have something stuck in your teeth. Flossing gets the small bits of food stuck down by the gum line and between the teeth. If you don’t get these bits, they can harden into tartar and cause gingivitis and periodontitis.
Get Your Cleanings
Pop quiz, how often should you visit your dentist? If you said, “only when my teeth hurt,” you’re part of the nearly half of American adults who don’t have check-ups and cleanings every six months. Yep, you are supposed to be in the chair having your gum line cleaned, and your teeth checked twice a year. These twice-yearly appointments allow your dental team to check for gum disease and get a handle on plaque and tooth decay while the issues are small. Those issues could get so big that teeth need to come out if you’re going a year (or more) without being seen. That sets the stage for dentures later on.
Oral Care from Catonsville Dental Care in Arbutus
Whether you want to whiten your teeth, straighten your teeth, or have a wisdom tooth extracted Catonsville Dental Care offers a wide variety of services when it comes to oral health. We have the experience and understanding to diagnose and treat any problem you have as quickly and painlessly as possible. With four dentists available at our office and commitment to comfort, safety, and relaxation you can’t find a better provider for your health. We look forward to helping you keep your smile perfect all year long and talking with you about your needs. To schedule an appointment or consultation, visit us online or give us a call at 410-747-1115. For more tips and tricks follow us on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter,andYouTube.