The Do’s and Dont’s of Tooth Extraction Aftercare


If you’ve had a tooth extraction, it’s best to pay attention to these do’s and dont’s of tooth extraction aftercare.

With the proper care, our natural teeth will last our entire lives. However, there are some cases where a person might require a tooth extraction. Wisdom tooth removal is a common reason. If you have recently had or anticipate having a tooth extraction, it’s best to pay attention to these do’s and dont’s of tooth extraction aftercare. Adequately taking care of your teeth after extraction can prevent a lot of pain and help you heal correctly. 

What to Do

Here are the do’s of tooth extraction aftercare. 

Wait to Eat or Drink

We advise not eating or drinking after tooth extraction because it takes time for the blood clot to develop around the extraction site. Forty-five minutes later, you can eat ice cream without nuts or have cold milk. 

If you feel thirsty and want water, you shouldn’t sip it through a straw. We also recommend eating a bland diet without a lot of seasoning for the first few hours after having a tooth pulled. 

Use Gauge to Stop Bleeding

After an extraction, there will be a lot of bleeding. We suggest you keep a gauze pad for at least 45 minutes after your procedure. If the bleeding is heavy, we advise biting down on the gauze pad because the pressure will stop the bleeding. 

Use an Ice Pack to Stop Swelling

Some patients prefer local anesthesia during oral surgery to numb the area, while others opt for a sedative to put them to sleep for extensive or complex procedures or if they have dental anxiety. Either way, these options will wear off, and you might experience pain and swell around the extraction site later. 

An ice pack reduces swelling and also helps with the pain. Applying the ice pack to the outside of the mouth for 15-20 minutes makes a difference. 

Brush Gingerly

It’s best to brush your teeth gingerly around the extraction. Typically, a blood clot develops around the extraction site a few hours after the extraction. If you apply too much pressure, you might dislodge the blood clot, causing complications. Therefore, we recommend brushing carefully. 

What Not to Do

Here are the things that you should avoid at all costs after tooth extraction. 

Don’t Smoke

Smoking after extraction leads to a host of issues. Smoking will weaken the blood and cause dry sockets to develop around the extraction site within only a few days. 

Refrain from Eating Solid Foods

Depending on the severity of the extraction, you might not want to eat foods that require a lot of chewing for at least a week. Staying away from eating food that requires a lot of biting and chewing prevents damage to the blood clot or extraction site. 

Avoid Painkillers

Call your dentist to find a solution if the swelling is excruciating. If you take painkillers, there will be a delay in blood clot formation around the extraction site. 

We hope you’ve found these tips on the do’s and dont’s of tooth extraction aftercare helpful. Contact Catonsville Dental Care if you’ve been searching for a dental home specializing in relaxation dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and Invisalign. 

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Catonsville Dental Care offers a wide variety of services when it comes to oral health. We have the experience and understanding to diagnose and treat any problem you have as quickly and painlessly as possible. With four dentists available at our office and a commitment to comfort, safety, and relaxation, you can’t find a better provider for your health. We look forward to helping you keep your smile perfect all year long and talking with you about your needs. To schedule an appointment or consultation, visit us online or give us a call at 410-747-1115. For more tips and tricks, follow us on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, and YouTube.

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