Many people often ignore their wisdom teeth growing in if they aren’t experiencing any pain, but this can have damaging effects such as causing tooth decay.
Wisdom teeth grow behind your molars and can cause extreme pain if not assessed as they form. Wisdom teeth often grow in misaligned, which explains why they cause such discomfort. They also push on other teeth, making them crowded and misaligned as well. Many people often ignore their wisdom teeth growing in if they aren’t experiencing any pain, but this can have damaging effects such as causing tooth decay. It’s vital to see a dentist so that they can take an x-ray of your teeth to see how your wisdom teeth are affecting your dental health. Keep reading to discover what you should know about wisdom teeth.
Why are they called “Wisdom Teeth”?
Wisdom teeth usually form between the ages of 17-21. During this stage, people are transitioning from childhood to full-blown adulthood and gaining wisdom or becoming wiser. This term goes back to the beginning of the 19th century. They were vital for evolution because our ancestors needed these extra teeth to eat rough food. When teeth decayed or worn down, wisdom teeth were necessary, but this isn’t the case today because food is more chewable and 28 teeth are ideal so that overcrowding, bone and nerve damage, and even infection doesn’t occur.
How Do I Know if My Wisdom Teeth Have Formed?
If you experience pain or tenderness behind your molars, then this is a sign. If you also notice swelling or redness, then this is an indicator as well. It’s vital to see a local dentist as soon as you can when wisdom teeth grow because one of the worst conditions is when wisdom teeth become impacted. When wisdom teeth become impacted, it can lead to bad breath, food no longer being enjoyable, and in the worst case scenario, cysts.
How Should I Go About Treatment?
Procrastination, when it comes to dental health, will only hurt you in the long run. The older you become, the more painful the treatment may be. You honestly don’t need your wisdom teeth, and if they’re causing you discomfort, it’s best to get rid of them. Wisdom teeth extraction happens at a dentist or oral surgeon office that specializes in general anesthesia. A dentist or surgeon has to cut the surface of the gum connected to the teeth to extract them. An expert will make sure that you are numb during the process and that they don’t cut a nerve.
Oral Care from Catonsville Dental Care
Whether you want to whiten your teeth, straighten your teeth or have a wisdom tooth extracted Catonsville Dental Care offers a wide variety of services when it comes to oral health. We have the experience and understanding to diagnose and treat any problem you have as quickly and painlessly as possible. With four dentists available at our office and commitment to comfort, safety, and relaxation you can’t find a better provider for your health. We look forward to helping you keep your smile perfect all year long and talking with you about your needs. To schedule an appointment or consultation, visit us online or give us a call at 410-747-1115. For more tips and tricks follow us on Facebook, Flickr,Twitter,and YouTube.