Waiting to have a root canal done on your infected teeth can not only prolong the pain, but it can also worsen it over time.
When you tell someone you are getting a root canal, people either look at you with pity or shrug it off and tell you it isn’t that bad. But the truth is, you are probably in a lot more pain right now than the pain a root canal will cause you. So what is this terrible thing? Well, let’s talk about the procedure and why you need one!
The Basics
A root canal is the removal of your tooth’s pulp, the thread-like tissue in the center of your tooth. When a tooth is damaged, diseased, or dead, it will need to have its pulp removed in order to prevent bacteria from entering your blood stream. A root canal is done to save the rest of the tooth and to keep the space filled. When a tooth is missing, the other teeth can shift in your mouth causing gaps and pain. The most common causes of pulp damage or death are deep cavities, cracks in the tooth, or an injury like having your teeth knocked out. If the pulp is infected or dead, pus can build up in the root near the jawbone, which forms a painful abscess that can destroy the bone and tooth.
The Procedure
Once the plan is made for a root canal, your Leikin & Baylin Dental Care Endodontists will make an opening in the tooth. They will remove the pulp in the “pulp chamber” and the canals are cleaned in order to be filled with a rubbery material called “gutta-percha”. Then the tooth is filled with a cement mixture. If your tooth’s integrity needs to be strengthened, your endodontists will place a metal or plastic rod into the canal for support. A crown is then placed over the tooth to restore normal shape and appearances.
While you may feel pain for a few days following the procedure, your tooth will feel much better once the infection in the pulp has been removed. If you experience pain when biting down, chewing, or when consuming hot and cold foods or drinks, you may take an over-the-counter pain reliever or a medicine prescribed by your endodontists. A follow up visit will be needed to install the crown once the cement mixture has hardened in your tooth. For more information as well as the “dos and don’ts” of post-root canal life, talk with your Leikin & Baylin Dental Care dentist!
Leikin & Baylin Dental Care of Catonsville
If you have questions about the health of your child’s teeth, or your little one is experiencing one of these childhood dental problems, let our friendly and professional staff help restore your dental health. Call today at 410-747-1115, or submit any questions by visiting CatonsvilleDentalCare.com.
Disclaimer: The writer of this article is not a medical professional. Information contained herein has been collected from sources believed to be reliable, and every precaution has been taken to ensure its accuracy. The information provided here is for general informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care.