How Spring and Summer Treats Affect Your Teeth

One spring and summertime staple includes indulging in snowballs, ice cream, and other delicious treats

Spring is here, and summer is near. Warmer seasons tend to bring out the best in people. During spring and summer, people want to bask in the sun by sitting out on their patios or decks, taking long walks, and traveling to the beach. Another spring and summer staple includes indulging in snowballs, ice cream, and other delicious treats. There is nothing wrong with enjoying summer and spring treat now and then, but overindulgence can affect your oral health tremendously. Sugar helps to weaken tooth enamel. Therefore, you must be careful. Keep reading to learn about how spring and summer treats can affect your teeth.

Ice Cream Causes Tooth Decay

Incorporating dairy into your diet is excellent. Dairy adds calcium to your body, which is much needed if you want durable enamel. Icecream does have dairy in it, but ice cream tends to be sugary as well. One common reason that tooth decay is due to an overload of sugar. One of the best ways to combat ice cream is to buy delicious spring and summer treats that are low in sugar. There are plenty of sugar-free options on the market that taste wonderful. Using this alternative is especially beneficial if you have children and you’re concerned about their sugar intake.

If you decide that you have to have sugar, then make sure your brush your teeth sometime afterward. Brushing your teeth helps clean sticky enamel. Ice creams with syrup and caramel make it challenging to clean your teeth.

Sodas Also Exacerbate Tooth Erosion

Another spring and summertime staple often involves drinking a refreshing soda. As you may know, soda consumption leads to acne, leaves acid in the body, and of course, breaks down your enamel over time. It only takes 20 minutes for a soda to start eroding your teeth. This beverage also has a lot of calories in it. If you must drink a soda, diet sodas are the lesser of the evils, but water is always your best friend, especially if you want to stay hydrated.

Beware of the BBQ Sauce

This part may be the most difficult to read. BBQ’s are a family, spring and summertime staple. What’s summer or spring without a BBQ or cookout? Of course, you should thoroughly enjoy this time and not limit yourself, but a way to combat digesting the sweet BBQ sauce is to make sure that you have plenty of vegetables and drink plenty of water. Your teeth will thank you later.

Oral Care from Catonsville Dental Care

Whether you want to whiten your teeth, straighten your teeth or have a wisdom tooth extracted Catonsville Dental Care offers a wide variety of services when it comes to oral health. We have the experience and understanding to diagnose and treat any problem you have as quickly and painlessly as possible. With four dentists available at our office and commitment to comfort, safety, and relaxation you can’t find a better provider for your health. We look forward to helping you keep your smile perfect all year long and talking with you about your needs. To schedule an appointment or consultation, visit us online or give us a call at 410-747-1115. For more tips and tricks follow us on Facebook, Flickr,Twitter,andYouTube.

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