The Ins and Outs of Receding Gums explained by your Catonsville Dentist

When the gum tissue surrounding your teeth begins to wear away or pull away from the teeth, exposing more of the tooth or even the root, this is known as receding gums. As a result, pockets or gaps form between the teeth and gum line. These pockets harbor disease-causing bacteria and, if left untreated, the supporting tissue and bone structures of the teeth can be severely damaged.

Symptoms of Receding Gums

  1. Tooth sensitivity
  2. Tooth appears longer than normal
  3. A notch can often be felt along the gum line

Receding gums are one of the first warning signs of Gum Disease. But don’t freak out; receding gums are common. However, it is also something that shouldn’t be ignored. If you feel you have receding gums, schedule an appointment with your dentist at your earliest convenience. There are treatments that can repair the gum and prevent further damage.

Treating Receding Gums

  1. Mild Receding Gums: Mild receding gums can often be treated by deep cleaning the affected area, removing plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth and root surface below the gum line.
  2. Severe Receding Gums: If deep cleaning is not an option because of excess loss of bone and pockets that are too deep, gum surgery may be your only option.
  3. Prevention: The easiest way to treat receding gums is to prevent receding gums…

Preventing Receding Gums

  1. Good oral health
  2. Brush twice a day and floss daily
  3. See your dentist regularly
  4. Eat a well-balanced diet
  5. Quit smoking (if applicable)

If you have any questions about Receding Gums or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact Leikin & Baylin Dental Care of Catonsville, Maryland by calling 410-747-1115 or visit You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Don’t Forget: Leikin & Baylin Dental Care will donate $1 to the Catonsville Celebrations Committee for every new “Like” our Facebook page receives this month. So what are you waiting for!?


  1. Receding Gums WebMD
  2. American Academy of Periodontology: “Causes of Gum Disease,” “Types of Gum Disease,” “Periodontal Diseases,” “Periodontal Surgery: What Can I Expect?”
  3. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health: “Periodontal (Gum) Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments.”
  4. Web Dental Office: “Gum Recession.”
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