How much does a Smile Mean!

Smiles are an interesting feature of everyone’s life. Everyone has one, but everyone feels differently about their own. Consider a few interesting facts about smiles:.

• 62 – Number of times a day the average woman smiles.
• 8 – Number of times a day the average man smiles.
• 63% – Percentage of people who say they look best in photos when they are showing their teeth.
• 99.7% – Percentage of adults who say an attractive smile is an important personal asset.
• 74% – Percentage of people who say that an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chances for business or career success.
• 23% – Percentage of people who say they look the best with their mouth closed.

Mark Twain once wrote, “Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been!” The act of smiling is a very uncomplicated and important human activity. It really isn’t important that your smile be perfect- but that you feel good about it and you give it away! If your stingy with your smile because it’s something less than what you want it to be, we can help – Smiles are what we do best.

Give us a call and we’ll set up a time to talk about getting you a smile that you can’t just keep to yourself.

Everytime you smile it is an action of love – a gift … ~Mother Teresa

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